Board elections - Spring 2025
SunCoast Market Co-op is executively managed by an elected Board of Directors. The primary responsibilities of the Board of Directors are to provide overall direction and ensure the long-range security and viability of the Co-op, and to develop policies necessary to carry out the duties of the board and the functions of the cooperative! The directors are elected from and by our owner-members. Each year there are at least 3 board seats open for election. Applications from interested candidates open March 3, 2025 and are due by March 16, 2025. Current election voting opens March 31 and closes April 18.
The terms of election are as follows:
- Board Directors will be elected for three-year terms.
- Three board seats will be up for election each year.
- When a seat is vacant, additional board seats may be available for election.
About our Board Elections
Eligibility and Expectations
Per our Bylaws, a nomination committee will develop the process and materials for each election. Eligibility:
- Member of a household or business/organization that has been a SunCoast owner-member for at least six months prior to date that voting opens
- Only one individual per ownership is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors at a time
- Eighteen years of age or older
- Must be able to use email, Internet, and basic technologies for Board communications
- Is committed to a 3-year term
Below are the expectations for anyone running for a board position:
- Please be aware that this is a very busy season for SunCoast. We are a working board (meaning we act as both staff and directors) so you should be prepared to dedicate an average of 5 hours per week or more to attend meetings, participate in committee work or special projects, and attend trainings. There are also urgent tasks that require prompt response times.
- Candidates must understand the requirements for a Board of Directors position. Once elected, the Board will also elect officers, including President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Position descriptions are available in the Candidate Packet.
- Candidates must agree to and sign the Code of Conduct provided in the Candidate Packet.
- To protect the interests of the co-op, candidates agree to maintain strict confidentiality on certain matters.
- Each candidate is expected to complete the application, including a short personal statement and photo that will be posted on this website for owner-members to view when voting.
- Candidates may receive a call from the nomination committee to discuss their candidacy.
- Each candidate is expected to attend at least 1 board meeting prior to election.
Think you’d be a valuable addition to the board? Consider running for a seat in the election!
Application Process:
- Download candidate packet below
- Review all materials
- Complete and submit application
- Attend a board meeting
- Complete an introductory call with the Elections Nomination Committee
- An interview may be requested
Interested in being more involved but not in a board position? Consider joining a committee and attend our monthly board meetings.
Download Candidate Packet Complete Your ApplicationVoting
All owner-members receive an email (at their email address on file) announcing elections. Voting is available by mail and online. Please note: if you unsubscribed from our mailing list, you are missing important owner information. Please re-subscribe yourself here.
If you need to vote by mail, please email
Update your address2025 Candidates Coming Soon!
Board Member
Coming soon
Board Member
Coming soon
Board Member
Coming soon